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Hot Melt Adhesive/Plastics/Rubber/Tire Hydrocarbon Resin

Hot Melt Adhesive/Plastics/Rubber/Tire Hydrocarbon Resin

Our company Henan Brilliant Biotech Co.,Ltd.launched a new product, hydrocarbon resin in this week.It has the characteristics of low acid value, good miscibility, water resistance, ethanol resistance and chemical resistance. It has chemical stability against acids and bases, and has the characteristics of adjusting viscosity and good thermal stability.

Due to its good miscibility, low melting point, resistance to water, ethanol and chemicals, it can be widely used in rubber, adhesives, coatings, papermaking, inks and other industries and fields.

Petroleum resin is a non-dangerous product and should be protected from sunlight and rain during transportation; it cannot be transported together with pyrophoric substances, strong oxidants, and strong acids.Petroleum resin should be stored in a ventilated, cool and dry environment.

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